Important Dates
August 22, 2011
Open Ceremony.
August 29, 2011
Closing Ceremony.


  • August 2011

    The latest Instructions to arrive to Colegios Mayores are available here.
  • August 2011

    Final Program files are ready to download.

  • class="active"
Second Circular
Updated information in the web page
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4. Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials
MS14 Biomineralization and Biomimetic Materials
MS28 Wide Band Semiconductor and Other Crystals Used in Optoelectronics
MS35 The Growth and Morphology of Crystals
MS49 Crystal Growth and Interface Phenomena at the Nanoscale
MS53 High-Throughput Crystallization and Polymorphic Search in Pharmaceuticals
5. Crystallographic Computing
MS6 Crystal Structure Prediction: Practice and Applications
MS13 Automation of Data Collection and Remote Control of Experiments
MS27 Developments and Directions for Crystallographic Databases
MS43 Validation, Error Detection and Fraud Prevention
MS58 New Computational Approaches to Structure Solution and Refinement
MS62 Crystallographic Software: the Library Approach
MS69 Crystallographic Methods and Software for Periodic and Aperiodic Crystals
MS72 Automated Data Processing and Structural Solution for High Throughput Crystallography
MS95 Automated Data Processing and Structural Solution for Powder Crystallography
6. Crystallographic Teaching
MS83 Application of Crystal Structure Information in Chemical Education
MS97 Web Based Crystallography Teaching: the Use of Modern Communication Methods to Teach
7. Electron Crystallography
MS7 Coherent Diffraction and Imaging
MS21 Surfaces & Interfaces
MS44 Quantitative Real Space Electron Imaging
MS65 Atomistic and Electronic Structures of Nanomaterials
MS79 Electron Diffraction and Crystallography
8. High Pressure
MS5 Non-Ambient Powder Diffraction
MS12 Non-Covalent Interactions in Molecular Crystals and Biomolecular Systems Under Pressure
MS19 Synthesis, Structure and Properties of Novel Materials at High Pressure
MS40 Pressure-Induced Phase Transitions
MS47 Advances in High Pressure Techniques and Instrumentation
MS60 Solid State Reactivity
MS75 Liquids, Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Solids at High Pressure
9. Inorganic and Mineral Structures
MS14 Biomineralization and Biomimetic Materials
MS25 Crystallography of Materials with Exchange, Sequestration and Storage Properties
MS30 Diffuse Scattering in Partially Ordered/Disordered Systems
MS39 Energy-Related Materials
MS54 Minerals as Advanced Materials
MS67 Layered Inorganic Materials and Layered Precursors of 3D Structures
MS81 The Crystallography of Functional Inorganic Materials and Their Applications
MS88 Crystal Chemistry and Physics of Modulated and Composite Crystals
MS98 Complex Structure and Frustrated Systems: Simulation and Experiments
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This is an archive of the official website for the IUCrXXI Congress at Madrid in 2011. Some images and text may be missing and some links no longer work.