Important Dates
August 22, 2011
Open Ceremony.
August 29, 2011
Closing Ceremony.


  • August 2011

    The latest Instructions to arrive to Colegios Mayores are available here.
  • August 2011

    Final Program files are ready to download.

  • class="active"
Second Circular
Updated information in the web page
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15. Structural Chemistry
MS3 Polymer and Gel Structure: Arriving at a Structural Model
MS10 Determination of Ab-Initio Crystal Structures from Powder Diffraction and their Applications in Pharmaceutical Industry
MS17 Synthons: From Small to Macromolecules
MS24 New Challenges in Crystal Engineering: Correlating Structure and Properties
MS38 Fabrication and Macroscopic Properties of Flexible Frameworks
MS45 Dynamical Structural Science
MS53 High-Throughput Crystallization and Polymorphic Search in Pharmaceuticals
MS56 Spectroscopic Approaches (XAFS, NMR, …) in Crystallography
MS59 Anion Recognition and Templation in Halogen Bonding
MS61 Hot Structures in Chemical Crystallography
MS66 Electric, Magnetic and Other Physical Properties of Molecular Crystals
MS73 Theory and Practice of Hydrogen Bond: An Evergreen Interaction for Molecular Recognition
MS80 Solid State Photochemistry
MS83 Application of Crystal Structure Information in Chemical Education
MS87 Chirality in the Solid State, From Organic Molecules to Chiral MOF and Helical Materials
MS94 Molecular Recognition in the Crystal Bulk and in the Surface: Theory and Applications

16. Synchrotron Radiation
MS7 Coherent Diffraction and Imaging
MS21 Surfaces & Interfaces
MS23 Difficult Phasing and Difficult Structures
MS33 New Sources (Neutrons, X-Rays, XFEL)
MS37 X-Ray Lasers and Other New Frontiers in Synchrotron Applications to Structural Science
MS47 Advances in High Pressure Techniques and Instrumentation
MS55 Atomic Dynamics Using X-Ray and Neutrons
MS70 Radiation Damage: Consequences and Uses
MS77 XAFS Instrumentation: Automation, Standardization and Validation of XAFS Experiments
MS96 Complementary Use of Neutrons and Photons in Magnetism

17. XAFS
MS42 XAFS Studies in Biology Coupled to Crystallography
MS56 Spectroscopic Approaches (XAFS, NMR, …) in Crystallography
MS70 Radiation Damage: Consequences and Uses
MS77 XAFS Instrumentation: Automation, Standardization and Validation of XAFS Experiments
MS91 X-Ray Absorption, Diffraction and Imaging in Forensic Science and Ancient Materials

MS89 Archiving, Exchange and Retrieval of Scientific Data in the 21st Century

19. Other Topics in Crystallography
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This is an archive of the official website for the IUCrXXI Congress at Madrid in 2011. Some images and text may be missing and some links no longer work.