Important Dates
August 22, 2011
Open Ceremony.
August 29, 2011
Closing Ceremony.


  • August 2011

    The latest Instructions to arrive to Colegios Mayores are available here.
  • August 2011

    Final Program files are ready to download.

  • class="active"
Second Circular
Updated information in the web page

Last instructions concerning accommodation in the dormitories (Colegios Mayores).

  1.  Please note that check-in in Colegios Mayores will be available only from 13:00 h on August 22.
  2. You should  go to Colegio Mayor Santa Teresa de Jesús (see below ) to receive  information about the particular dormitory you have been assigned.
    The address of the meeting point is:

    Colegio Mayor Santa Teresa de Jesús
    Avenida de Séneca 12, 28040 Madrid
    Phone number  +34 913941007

    Subway station (Metro  Moncloa (Lines 3 and 6) and Ciudad Universitaria (Line 6))
  3. Breakfast and wi-fi will be provided  in your  dormitory (Colegio Mayor ) with the welcome card.
  4. To reach your dormitory , we advice you to use the subway (Metro), lines 3 or 6,  and stop at  Moncloa station. This subway station is about 10 minutes walking from the Colegios Mayores. Please, see the attached map to have a reference about the location of the Moncloa Metro station.

Hope to see you soon in Madrid.

Map on Google maps

This is an archive of the official website for the IUCrXXI Congress at Madrid in 2011. Some images and text may be missing and some links no longer work.