Important Dates
August 22, 2011
Open Ceremony.
August 29, 2011
Closing Ceremony.


  • August 2011

    The latest Instructions to arrive to Colegios Mayores are available here.
  • August 2011

    Final Program files are ready to download.

  • class="active"
Second Circular
Updated information in the web page
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10. Mathematical and Theoretical Crystallography
MS9 Topological Correlations and Crystal Structure Interconnections
MS20 Beyond Space-Group Symmetry in Periodic Structures
MS30 Diffuse Scattering in Partially Ordered/Disordered Systems

11. Neutron Scattering
MS5 Non-Ambient Powder Diffraction
MS26 SAXS/SANS, Total Scattering and the Nanostructure Problem
MS33 New Sources (Neutrons, X-Rays, XFEL)
MS39 Energy-Related Materials
MS47 Advances in High Pressure Techniques and Instrumentation
MS55 Atomic Dynamics Using X-Ray and Neutrons
MS68 Data Reduction of Area Detector Measurements
MS82 Biological Neutron Scattering and Deuteration
MS96 Complementary Use of Neutrons and Photons in Magnetism

12. Powder Diffraction
MS5 Non-Ambient Powder Diffraction
MS9 Topological Correlations and Crystal Structure Interconnections
MS10 Determination of Ab-Initio Crystal Structures from Powder Diffraction and their Applications in Pharmaceutical Industry
MS18 Powder Diffraction at the Nanoscale
MS25 Crystallography of Materials with Exchange, Sequestration and Storage Properties
MS32 Crystallography in Industrial Process Control
MS39 Energy-Related Materials
MS46 Powder Diffraction Methods in Archaeometry
MS53 High-Throughput Crystallization and Polymorphic Search in Pharmaceuticals
MS60 Solid State Reactivity
MS74 Powder Diffraction and Complementary Techniques
MS81 The Crystallography of Functional Inorganic Materials and Their Applications
MS91 X-Ray Absorption, Diffraction and Imaging in Forensic Science and Ancient Materials
MS95 Automated Data Processing and Structural Solution for Powder Crystallography

13. Crystallography in Art and Cultural Heritage
MS46 Powder Diffraction Methods in Archaeometry
MS91 X-Ray Absorption, Diffraction and Imaging in Forensic Science and Ancient Materials

14. Small Angle Scattering
MS4 Industrial Applications of SAXS and SANS
MS11 Standardization, Validation, and Automation in Modern Biological Small-Angle Scattering
MS26 SAXS/SANS, Total Scattering and the Nanostructure Problem
MS51 Complementary Biophysical Methods: Adding Value to Protein Structures
MS74 Powder Diffraction and Complementary Techniques
MS82 Biological Neutron Scattering and Deuteration
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This is an archive of the official website for the IUCrXXI Congress at Madrid in 2011. Some images and text may be missing and some links no longer work.