10. Mathematical and Theoretical Crystallography |
MS9 |
Topological Correlations and Crystal Structure Interconnections |
MS20 |
Beyond Space-Group Symmetry in Periodic Structures |
MS30 |
Diffuse Scattering in Partially Ordered/Disordered Systems |
11. Neutron Scattering |
MS5 |
Non-Ambient Powder Diffraction |
MS26 |
SAXS/SANS, Total Scattering and the Nanostructure Problem |
MS33 |
New Sources (Neutrons, X-Rays, XFEL) |
MS39 |
Energy-Related Materials |
MS47 |
Advances in High Pressure Techniques and Instrumentation |
MS55 |
Atomic Dynamics Using X-Ray and Neutrons |
MS68 |
Data Reduction of Area Detector Measurements |
MS82 |
Biological Neutron Scattering and Deuteration |
MS96 |
Complementary Use of Neutrons and Photons in Magnetism |
12. Powder Diffraction |
MS5 |
Non-Ambient Powder Diffraction |
MS9 |
Topological Correlations and Crystal Structure Interconnections |
MS10 |
Determination of Ab-Initio Crystal Structures from Powder Diffraction and their Applications in Pharmaceutical Industry |
MS18 |
Powder Diffraction at the Nanoscale |
MS25 |
Crystallography of Materials with Exchange, Sequestration and Storage Properties |
MS32 |
Crystallography in Industrial Process Control |
MS39 |
Energy-Related Materials |
MS46 |
Powder Diffraction Methods in Archaeometry |
MS53 |
High-Throughput Crystallization and Polymorphic Search in Pharmaceuticals |
MS60 |
Solid State Reactivity |
MS74 |
Powder Diffraction and Complementary Techniques |
MS81 |
The Crystallography of Functional Inorganic Materials and Their Applications |
MS91 |
X-Ray Absorption, Diffraction and Imaging in Forensic Science and Ancient Materials |
MS95 |
Automated Data Processing and Structural Solution for Powder Crystallography |
13. Crystallography in Art and Cultural Heritage |
MS46 |
Powder Diffraction Methods in Archaeometry |
MS91 |
X-Ray Absorption, Diffraction and Imaging in Forensic Science and Ancient Materials |
14. Small Angle Scattering |
MS4 |
Industrial Applications of SAXS and SANS |
MS11 |
Standardization, Validation, and Automation in Modern Biological Small-Angle Scattering |
MS26 |
SAXS/SANS, Total Scattering and the Nanostructure Problem |
MS51 |
Complementary Biophysical Methods: Adding Value to Protein Structures |
MS74 |
Powder Diffraction and Complementary Techniques |
MS82 |
Biological Neutron Scattering and Deuteration |