Important dates
- 15 March: Deadline for bursary application
- 3 May : Deadline for bursary confirmation
- 9 May : Deadline for accepted bursary registration at IUCr
Student bursaries The organizers are currently involved in raising funds to be redistributed as attendance bursaries to young scientists, especially those coming from the less favoured regions. It is a policy of IUCr to convey significant amounts of money to this purpose, by utilizing funds from various international institutions and by using part of the congress income. In this respect, no reimbursements and honoraries of any sort are paid to the invited speakers and chairs of the Microsymposia.
The first requirement for obtaining a bursary is the submission of a regular abstract. Also an age limit of 35 applies.
Please click here to download the Application Form.
The application form must be sent by e-mail to
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not later than March 15, 2011 and should be accompanied by the following documents:
- Curriculum Vitae (1 page)
- A headed letter paper from the Research Supervisor who certifies the student status of the applicant and whether the student has access to any other source of funds to attend the congress.
The support of the IUCr2011 organizers, if granted, will include one or more of the following benefits (in the following priority order):
- Reduced registration fee
- Accommodation in student dormitory
- Lump sum to cover part of the travel expenses (only in exceptional cases)
In no case, funds will be anticipated to the applicant by the organizers. |